Andy Smith Events hosted round 3 of the 23/24 Wessex season. A powerful, yet technically challenging course, provided fast and physical racing. Technical features, such as Steps and Off Camber gave the riders tricky conditions to race in, and many riders fell victim to the slippery grass.

The under 10s saw Freddie Trosh ride a terrific race, leading from the off and only just being beaten in the sprint with James Sutton rouding out the top five. In the under 12 female race, Matilda Wilks was third, Eve Carline 5th.

Moving into the first race on the full course, the under16 category was always going to be a thriller. A punchy, slippery course provided difficult racing, and Niclas Olley and Monty Flavell led the charge for Sotonia, a dropped chain on the last lap denying Monty a top five with Niclas coming 5th.

In the under 14 Open race, Thomas Wilks was again an impressive second place, Marit Davidse fifth place in the girls race.

The course was now representing a proper CX day out, and it was the vet 40-49, and juniors turn to take on the brutal course. Carnage from the start, due to the tight corners and fast straights, meant the bunch was strung out from the word go. Andy Gardiner placing 4th v40 and George Connell giving the v40s plenty to think about, slugging it out with team mates Pete Boustred, Phil Wilks and Tom Budden, to finish 7th junior.

In the 40-49 female, ,there was a third place for Gemma Wilks.

The final race of the day, the Senior Open Category. We got some of the most exciting racing of the day, with Lewis Revell finishing things off in 13th.

A massive thanks to Andy Smith Events, for providing us with a mega course, and everyone involved in putting the event on! See you all next weekend, in Prospect Park, Reading, for round 4.


Thanks for the photos: @pitchsidephoto