Round 8 of the Wessex Cyclocross League at Dalton Barracks put on its trademark technical course based on a M.O.D 4×4 training area full of deep ruts and even deeper puddles on Sunday. It was 3°c and it was raining – pretty standard for Abingdon – needless to say there weren’t many bare arms or legs on show!

You were doing well if you stayed upright in the super slippery conditions, but plenty of our boys and girls did on their way to race highlights like another win for Izzy Hall (U16 girls), Tom Wilks – 2nd U14 boy and there were a trio of Sotonians on the U16 boys podium with Monty Flavell nipping past Niclas Olley and Tom Allen in a thrilling sprint for 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

Elsewhere, Andy Gardiner didn’t let a mere flat tyre stop him while sitting 2nd in v40 Open with two laps to go and no spare bike – he still managed 5th place behind Tom Budden in 4th. There were also top fives for Freddie Trosh and James Sutton (U10 boys), Matilda Wilks and Eve Carline (u12 girls) and Emma Harrison – 3rd Junior woman. George Connell was also clearly loving the technical stuff with his best results of the season – a fantastic 3rd place as a first year Junior.

Great riding everyone!


Photos: Pitchside Paul

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